Privacy Policy.

    Customer privacy and safety measures are always a top priority at "ZeePlatform". Creating quality products and services reforms this obligation to an ever changing facet, since the progression of technology requires a rapid evolution of our privacy policy. We commit to these principles as privacy standards for the safekeeping of your data.

    Respect for privacy and use of personal data: We believe that these two inseparable principles express a belief that affects everything we build from the beginning. When users use our services, we have a responsibility to use and protect their data properly.

    Transparency in data collection: To further aid users on how to use ZeePlatform's services, we seek to clarify the nature of the collected data as well as the collection process.

    Embedding security information technology: Respecting user privacy equals protecting data. We continuously strive to provide the strongest and most advanced security Infrastructures for ZeePlatform's products and services.

    We do not sell your personal information: We use data to upgrade our services to maximum beneficial limits; plus utilizing data provided by our services for marketing purposes. However, your personal information is never sold nor distributed anywhere or to anyone.

    We are always open to new ideas aligned with upgrading user data security. Get in touch with ZeePlatform!