Diversity Matters!
June 28, 2020 By Saghi
Good marketing can take a small startup’s success to a global scale while bad advertising can lead to a devastating bankruptcy. The need to promote and sell products or services has been around for a very long time however, the methods which are used for advertisement need to be renewed constantly in order to reflect an ever-changing society and demands.
Diversity Matters!
Diversity nowadays is a crucial factor to consider in a marketing campaign; Minority groups make up a great percentage of the population and a general/outdated marketing strategy may not be as effective. For instance, if fifty years ago companies were able to make an immense profit by targeting only a certain race or ethnicity, it would be very unlikely for them to achieve the same level of success today.
It is vital for brands to develop new methods of communication that are more inclusive and appealing to a more diverse group of people. By employing diversity into your marketing strategies you’ll be able to connect with more individuals and advertise your products to reach a wider audience spectrum. The rise of social media has also played an essential part in bringing a lack of diversity issues to the front lines; People of all backgrounds have been given a voice and are demanding more representation and inclusiveness.
an Example of employing Diversity into marketing
Dove is a great example of a company that has broken stereotypes and challenged beauty standards by using women of all ages, races, and sizes in their more recent campaigns and therefore making a connection with a greater number of women compared to their older marketing strategies. Various companies have successfully broken the barriers of society’s standards and are growing in every aspect of their business.
Therefore, it is clear that whether it’s race, age, gender, or body type, people want to see diversity because this way they are able to feel represented; Hence more likely to buy a product and this gives businesses a great opportunity to boost their brand’s sales.